Bis einschließlich 27.01. gibt es das Spiel Traffic Director für Android kostenlos anstelle der normalerweise anfallenden 0,89€.
Die Bewertungen sind mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Sternen bei 230 Reviews recht gut. Besonders häufig wird das hohe Suchtpotenzial angesprochen, das Spiel scheint also echt Spaß zu machen. 😉
Traffic Director is a simple casual game. You are in charge to control the traffic in 20 different city maps. Guide more than hundred cars through a map by switching the traffic lights in the right moment. Watch out for police cars and vip cars.
Every time a car find its way through the map, you will get a point. Start with the first city map. If you get enough points you will win an award. The award unlocks an other city map. Your score will be submitted to global leaderboards powered by Google Game Services.
Read the info section in the game for further details. There is a step by step instruction how to start.
This is the adfree premium version of Traffic Director. There is also a free lite version available.
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