Den PowerAudio Pro Music Player gibt es aktuell für Android gratis anstelle der sonst anfallenden 0,59€. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Musikplayer mit Equalizer, breiter Audioformat-Unterstützung, automatischer Kopfhörer-Erkennung und vielem mehr.
Die App hat bisher über 2.700 Bewertungen und gute 4,1 Sterne erhalten.
PowerAudio Pro music player brings you the all new music experience. It features an easy to use interface and best in class audio quality. You can browse songs by albums, artists or playlists. PowerAudio Pro has a separate tab for all your favorite tracks, you can add songs to your favorites from any tab. PowerAudio Pro supports playlists, you can create you own playlists with the tracks you want. This music player features a powerful equalizer with BassBoost and Virtualizer. You can choose from a variety of music presets or create your custom preset.
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