Im Apple Appstore gibt es gerade die App nvNotes gratis anstelle der sonst anfallenden 0,99€. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Notiz-App, welche auf Schlichtheit setzt und ablenkende Elemente aus dem Designkonzept verbannt hat.
nvNotes is the quick, easy way to create and organise notes; It takes just one tap to get a new, blank draft – ready for your text. Whether you write personal notes, blog posts, todo lists or even your novel – It’s no surprise that nvNotes is the first choice for writers of all kinds.
At home, at the coffee shop, or while waiting for the train: nvNotes provides a distraction free, focused writing experience. Once you start using nvNotes you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.
• Beautiful themes, including Solarized. Enjoy writing at night using the dark theme.
• Markdown keyboard and Preview. Markdown is the plain text format that writers love.
• Notational Velocity Omnibar; Quickly search or create notes.
- Version: 3.1.2
- Größe: 5,1 MB
- Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 9.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch
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