Gratis Ticket für die EMove360 in München (16.   18. Oktober)

Im Oktober findet die diesjährige eMove360 in München statt, die Messe für Elektromobilität und autonomes Fahren. IT-Sicherheit.

Die Freikarten hierzu erhaltet ihr, indem ihr auf der verlinkten Seite das Tagesticket in den Warenkorb legt und den Gutscheincode eM18-K4HSDPZD verwendet. Diesmal ist keine Anmeldung zum Newsletter oder ähnliches vonnöten.


eMove360 ° Europe 2018 is the world’s leading technology exhibition for sustainable mobility solutions, including car sharing and intermodal mobility. The thematic spectrum ranges from vehicles and propulsion systems to City, Mobile Design, Materials and Process Solutions, Automated Driving and Electronics, Connectivity & amp; amp; Amp; Infotainment. Around 30 percent of international visitors and around 40 percent of the approximately 300 exhibitors based outside Germany underline the international leadership role of the eMove360 ° for the mobility of the future. The fair’s target group are developers, designers and IT experts from the major OEM and TIER1 providers, as well as buyers and users such as fleet managers, decision-makers in cities, communities, tourism regions and service providers.

Gutscheincode: eM18-K4HSDPZD

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