Für einen begrenzten Zeitraum bekommt ihr die Android-App „Dexter Slice“ gratis anstelle der sonst anfallenden 4,19€.
Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Puzzlespiel aus dem Dexter-Universum, das anlässlich des 10-Jährigen Jubiläums der Serie erstellt wurde.
Die App zählt bisher über 10.000 Downloads. Etwas über 150 Bewertungen mit im Mittel 3,5 Sternen lesen sich etwas durchwachsen.
A chilling new puzzle game celebrating 10 years of „Dexter“ and featuring voice-over by James Remar (Harry Morgan).
Press, slide and hold a fiendish array of sharp and pointy objects to clear each level. Just be careful where you put your fingers!
Over 120 levels with more levels and features on the way!
Dexter: Slice is the spiritual successor to the popular 2010 release Slice HD. As with the previous game, Dexter: Slice presents players with an onscreen field of EXTREMELY SHARP cutlery. Moving each knife reveals buttons that must be quickly pushed before the blades slide back into place. The longer you play, the more challenging the puzzles become, sometimes involving as many as ALL 10 FINGERS – eventually requiring a masterful combination of careful planning, limber fingers and quick reflexes. Fail, however, and anguished screams accompany realistic blood splatters that decorate the screen. You didn’t need that pinky, did you?
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