Im Apple iTunes Store gibt es aktuell das Spiel „Dead on Sight“ gratis. Das ganze wird vermutlich wie so oft eine kurzzeitige Aktion zu sein, daher solltet ihr jetzt zuschlagen, normalerweise fallen nämlich 1,99€ an.
Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Zombie Shooter bzw. Zombie Sniper, wer auf das Setting steht, der sollte es sich ruhig mal runterladen, die Screenshots sehen auch recht interessant aus.
„Dead on Sight is a solid zombie sniper game. The action and gameplay are great.“ – toucharcade.com
„Dead On Sight Could Be The Best Zombie Sniper Game For iOS“ 4.5 Stars – appadvice.com
Blow zombies to bits and rescue the residents of the town of Resurrection in this original touch controlled sniper game.
The population in the town of Resurrection have got problems: the dead have risen from their graves and are now eating the locals. Armed with a sniper rifle you have to fight off the undead and give the people a chance to escape. They will try to escape by running, climbing up ladders and hiding in buildings. The undead will be in hot pursuit and you must stop them before they make a meal out of them.
You will travel through the town, stationed at a number of sniper positions. From your vantage point use your sniper rifle scope to stop the zombie hoards. Finally, cover the people that you managed to rescue with your rifle while they take the only road out of town.
- Version: 2.0
- Größe: 210 MB
- Kompatibilität: Erfordert iOS 8.0 oder neuer. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod touch.
Link: HIER zum Angebot
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