
UPDATE: Jetzt bei Gamiss zum absoluten Bestpreis
Bei Gamiss bekommt ihr gerade mit dem Gutschein „DSGMHNY1“ das cozzine digital Bratenthermometer für 1,26€ inkl. Versand. Das Brathenthermometer ist dann innerhalb von 2-3 Wochen bei euch 🙂
Die Bewertungen auf Amazon sprechen eine klare Sprache: volle 5 von 5 möglichen Sternen.
- Widely Use: Temperature range from -58°F to + 572°F ( -50°C + 300°C ). It can be used in the following situation, kitchen, food processing, liquid, laboratory and soil.
- Food Safety: 304 stainless probe has FDA approved, and it passed CE, RoHS certification. LR44 button battery ( included ), 1.5V voltage and 160mAh battery capacity.
- Accurately Reading: For example, when you place it into the milk, the LED screen shows accurate temperature results. Accuracy of ±1.5°F / 1°C.
- Multi-functional: LED display screen. On/Off key can shut off automatically after 10 minutes, and have smart battery-saving function. Hold key can keep the measured temperature and continue measuring. Max/Min key can check the highest and lowest temperature. °F / °C key can be converted optionally. Easy to operate.
- Easy To Carry: It can be stored in the plastic tube provided and you can carry it to any place.
Gutschein: DSGMHNY1
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