am 20. September 2017 um 09:28 Uhr
Bei Gearbest bekommt ihr gerade durch den Gutschein „Backpackjx“ einen Camping- und Outdoorrucksack mit 60L Inhalt für 24,29€ inkl. Versand via Priority Line und „Germany Express“. Beachtet, dass der Gutschein nur für diese Farbe und Kombination gültig ist – andere Farben gehen mit dem Gutschein nicht.
- Combination type backpack is used for outdoor camping, traveling, adventure, etc.
- Molle system is convenient for you to extand capacity of the bag (don’t hang on too many bags if you are not powerful enough)
- Made of oxford fabric, durable
- A detachable bag hung on the backpack, with an adjustable extra belt, you can hang it on you waist separately
- The waist bag with detachable belt and plug-in buckle, and you can also hang it on your shoulder
- Two main warehouses inside the backpack, offers you large space to put things into
- There are D shaped rings on the top and shoulder straps, you can hang umbrella or trekking pole
- Double metal zippers design makes it more convenient to you
- Plug-in buckle design on the backpack zipper outer, safer to use
- You can hang trekking pole on the equipment rings of backpack bottom
Gutschein: Backpackjx
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