Für kurze Zeit gibt es die App “Articuloud” für Android gratis. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Text-To-Speech-App. Der Preis liegt normalweise bei ganzen 44,99€, diese spart ihr euch während des Aktionszeitraumes.
Die App hat bei bisher 22 Bewertungen gute 3,5 Sterne erhalten.
Articuloud is a Text-to-Speech (TTS) Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) aid which can assist you to speak in your native language, by generating speech based on the text you enter.
Articuloud is ideal for people who have good cognitive abilities and written language skills, but have lost the ability to speak, due to a physical impairment such as Motor Neurone Disease/ALS, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Head and Neck Cancer or a Head Injury.
Articuloud is the first TTS system to be fully multilingual within a single app, and this is achieved by using a third party native language keyboard and voice.
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